Forum Research
How do you ensure that you make an emotional connection with your target audience, and reach their souls? In a world that is overloaded with stimuli, it is becoming increasingly difficult for brands and organizations to reach people and connect with them. And if you succeed, how do you ensure that this connection lasts? And how do you differentiate yourself from other organizations? To ensure that both your customers and your employees continue to choose you, organizations must improve their understanding of what actually moves people.

Greater control over behavior
Customer and employee behavior is at the heart of every organization's success. But how do you gain insight into your customers' decision-making processes? Why does one employee stay and another leave? Why does one participate and the other shrug their shoulders?
Forum knows what drives people. The vast majority of choices we make are based on our feelings. We call this intuition. The challenge here is that intuition originates in our subconscious brain. Forum has developed neuroresearch methods that tap directly from this subconscious brain. We identify the factors that give you more control over the behavior of your customers.

About Forum Research
Forum Research is the expert when it comes to making complex issues of human behavior understandable and manageable. With over 35 years of experience, our seasoned team continues to lead the world of market research with innovative methods. With our neuroresearch methodologies, we reveal the emotional experience and the underlying subconscious needs and drives of people. We translate these into facts and figures and actionable advice with clear tools to guide choices and behavior.