Understanding your customers' unconscious behavior

Forum Research offers insight into the factors that determine the unconscious behavior of your customers. We do this with innovative neuromarketing research.

We make hundreds of choices every day: in what we do, what we buy, what we eat, and so on. The vast majority of these choices we make on autopilot; we don't think about them consciously. The processes in our brain responsible for this are called intuition (feeling). To gain insight into the unconscious behavior of your customers, it is important to understand what goes on in the subconscious intuitive brain and what factors influence it. Forum Research has developed neuroresearch techniques that offer you these insights.

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How does our subconscious brain work?

Our subconscious brain or intuitive brain is responsible for the vast majority of our actions and the choices we make day in and day out. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman's scientific research has given us an insight into how this subconscious brain works. First, we are guided by our needs and drives (deeper needs). Much of what we do, we do to satisfy our needs. In doing so, we are usually unaware of the needs that really drive the choices we make.

A second important factor in our subconscious intuitive brain is our emotions. We sometimes find it hard to admit, but the feeling we have about a brand or a product guides the vast majority of our choices. We believe that we choose deliberately and consciously, but that is rarely the case.


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Research on the subconscious brain

Researching the subconscious brain requires a different approach than traditional research. Most surveys and questionnaires address almost exclusively the conscious cognitive brain, and in doing that, you don't get insight into the factors that really determine the behavior and choices your customers make.

Forum Research has developed neuroresearch techniques that tap directly from the subconscious intuitive brain. The methods are derived from association research that has been used in psychology to access the subconscious brain for decades. We apply these neuroresearch techniques in both qualitative and quantitative research. In qualitative research, we refer to needs and drives research. Our solution for quantitative research is implicit experience research.