Measuring customer loyalty, better than NPS

Measuring customer loyalty is a top priority for commercial organizations! We all want today's customers to keep coming in the future. In many cases, organizations use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a metric. But organizations that have been conducting NPS measurements for some time are not getting any further at some point: the NPS is at a plateau and no new learning points are coming out of the measurements. There is a good reason for this and there is an alternative!

What makes customers loyal? What makes them choose my organization in the future? Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has scientifically shown that loyalty is formed in our subconscious intuitive brain. The choices we make now and in the future are based on memories and the emotions associated with those memories. The limitation of NPS research is that this line of questioning only triggers the conscious cognitive brain. As a result, you miss crucial information to make customers truly loyal. Forum Research has developed research that taps into the subconscious intuitive brain, where loyalty is formed. This provides organizations with new and surprising insights into their customers' decision process and the building blocks to really work on customer loyalty.

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Forum Research's customer loyalty research

Customer loyalty research from Forum Research can be applied as an alternative to all your existing feedback measurements, customer experience research, or customer relation surveys. It works slightly differently than what you are used to but delivers surprising results.

Using neuromarketing research, we know how to tap directly from the subconscious intuitive brain, where customer choices come about. To do so, we ask mostly open-ended questions. Using artificial intelligence, we then extract, from the open answers, the factors that determine customer memories (and thus loyalty), and what feeling customers have at that moment about the organization, the product, or their customer journey.

In summary, Forum Research's customer loyalty research can be described as implicit customer experience research.

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Working on customer loyalty starts with attention to customer emotions

We need - as rationally driven organizations - to start paying more attention to emotions and the factors that determine how they arise. Forum Research helps you take the step to becoming an emotionally intelligent organization. Our innovative implicit customer experience research is a first step. It gives you insight into the emotions that play a role within your customer group and identifies the determining factors for customer loyalty.

To complement this, we have developed a new KPI to manage customer emotions: the Net Emotion Value. This KPI can be used as an alternative to the NPS. It is a measure of the position the organization has in the subconscious intuitive brain of its customers and thus a better indication of customer loyalty than traditional metrics.


Whitepaper: The NPS era is over, what’s next?

The NPS metric has conquered the world since 2003. However, the NPS framework is starting to show its limitations. Companies no longer know how to take NPS results to the next level. There are no new insights anymore, or all insights have been acted upon long ago. Read our whitepaper 'Beyond NPS, what's next': Discover why the NPS question does not give us full insight into people's behavior. And how you can take the next step after the NPS era.

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