Customer experience research

Forum Research measures what really matters with innovative customer experience research. Forum Research's starting point is the customer. We don't start with a list of aspects collected by the organization but with the customer's brain. How did the customer experience the contact with the organization or the product? It is important to note that customers do not think in aspects, they do not store an experience as a number. What really sticks after an experience are emotions. Our heads are full of memories and related emotions. Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman has scientifically demonstrated that it is not the experience itself, but the memory of that experience that determines our loyalty to a brand. Emotions play a crucial role in this: the stronger the emotion, the deeper the memory is etched into our minds, and the longer we remember it.

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Measuring customer experience

What does this mean for how we measure the customer experience? Forum Research uses implicit customer experience research for this. We measure memories: emotions and the aspects or moments that have determined those emotions. We do this using neuroresearch techniques. Using an associative measuring method, we are able to penetrate the subconscious brain, where memories are stored. We ask open questions. Using various text analysis techniques, we then extract from the open answers the emotion that remained with customers after an experience, and the aspects and moments that were decisive in creating that emotion. We call this way of measurement implicit experience research.

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Specialist in customer experience research

Forum Research is the specialist in customer experience research. The advantages of implicit customer experience research over traditional satisfaction or NPS measurements are:

  • Traditional methods trigger cognition and provide reasoned answers. Forum's experience research triggers intuition and also delivers feeling aspects.

  • The starting point of traditional methods is the service, product, or brand, about which an opinion is sought. Forum's starting point is the customer's brain and the memory stuck in it.

  • Forum measures the things that really determine loyalty to a brand: emotions and the aspects or moments that helped create that emotion.

  • Traditional methods submit aspects for assessment. Forum's implicit measurement method avoids any leading questions by asking only open-ended questions combined with text analysis. This produces a much more complete and pure picture of what is in the customer's mind.

Whitepaper: The NPS era is over, what’s next?

The NPS metric has conquered the world since 2003. However, the NPS framework is starting to show its limitations. Companies no longer know how to take NPS results to the next level. There are no new insights anymore, or all insights have been acted upon long ago. Read our whitepaper 'Beyond NPS, what's next': Discover why the NPS question does not give us full insight into people's behavior. And how you can take the next step after the NPS era.

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