'S-PORT – Getting People Moving

'S-PORT, an initiative by the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch, aims to encourage residents to enjoy getting active. Forum conducted both qualitative and quantitative research to understand what drives residents and what prevents them from being active.

Forum Research - Image - Succesverhalen 1 (WebP)
Forum Research - Image - Succesverhalen 2 (WebP)

Towards a Healthier and Happier 's-Hertogenbosch!

In the first phase, 24 in-depth interviews were conducted with residents who had a sedentary lifestyle. Four key motivators emerged: freedom, nostalgia, a little nudge, and moving together. These insights formed the basis for a follow-up quantitative study, where over 3,000 residents completed a survey via social media.

Based on the results, Forum developed a strategy to encourage people to gradually become active again. Nature, memories of the past, and a sense of togetherness proved to be powerful triggers. These insights provide 'S-PORT with the tools to organize targeted activities and reduce barriers to physical activity.

“I see Forum as the guiding hand, with our department as the child being led. We are guided by your expertise in uncovering motivations and barriers. The trust we have in Forum is strong. It’s also great that the research results confirm the gut feelings or suspicions we already had, but now supported by research.”

- 'S-PORT Department, Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch  -