'S-PORT – Getting People Moving
'S-PORT, an initiative by the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch, aims to encourage residents to enjoy getting active. Forum conducted both qualitative and quantitative research to understand what drives residents and what prevents them from being active.
Towards a Healthier and Happier 's-Hertogenbosch!
In the first phase, 24 in-depth interviews were conducted with residents who had a sedentary lifestyle. Four key motivators emerged: freedom, nostalgia, a little nudge, and moving together. These insights formed the basis for a follow-up quantitative study, where over 3,000 residents completed a survey via social media.
Based on the results, Forum developed a strategy to encourage people to gradually become active again. Nature, memories of the past, and a sense of togetherness proved to be powerful triggers. These insights provide 'S-PORT with the tools to organize targeted activities and reduce barriers to physical activity.