DELA, a cooperative of more than 3 million members, believes in a worthy farewell for everyone and in being there for each other. In doing so, DELA Funeral Services has set for itself the ambition to offer the most hospitable service for everyone and everywhere.

But how does this translate into practice? As an employee and as a funeral location, how do you give substance to the theme of hospitality, and how do you ensure that a funeral makes life more meaningful for all guests?

Forum Research - Image - Succesverhalen 1 (WebP)
Forum Research - Image - Succesverhalen 2 (WebP)

Innovative experience research

This starts with gaining insight into (unconscious) needs and motivations of guests. The results of our qualitative interviews with guests formed the strategic roadmap, whereby DELA Funeral Services gained insight into how to respond appropriately to the wishes, needs and emotions of its guests. So that after a difficult, sad period, they can move on again and with a lasting, cherished memory. To continuously learn, we then conducted innovative experience research to listen to the stories and memories of guests, after they visited a DELA location. For this, we use a short questionnaire with many open-ended questions. DELA and all of its location managers receive guest stories every day. This wealth of information is the basis for learning, improving and developing.