Human-oriented living experience research

How do you, as a housing association or municipality, stay in touch with your most important stakeholder: your resident? How do you identify the needs of residents so that you can make the right policy choices for the future?

Housing associations and municipalities are working hard to restore connections between neighbors and within neighborhoods. Vulnerable people are increasingly becoming part of the target group of housing associations. Housing associations and municipalities want to avoid losing contact with the residents. Therefore you must know what is going on behind residents' front doors.

With our living experience research, you discover what goes on behind front doors and within neighborhoods. Not with lengthy questionnaires, but with smart questions and smart technology, we help you to make the right policy choices. Get started with human-oriented living experience research!

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From questioning to listening

With a living experience survey, every municipality or housing association can gain insight into how the residents experience living. Forum deliberately does not do this with a long list of numerical questions and statements. After all, people do not think in numbers and every statement is sensitive to interpretation. We go for listening!

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Forum Research - Image - Landingspagina 2 (WebP)




Behind the front door

Forum has reinvented living experience research. We start with the resident: what they think, feel, experience, and what their needs are. Every resident tells their own story, online or on paper. In this way, we are able to get behind the front door. Using the latest technology, we translate all these residents' stories into strengths and points of improvement per district, neighborhood, or residential complex. The residents' stories are available, so you can even work on individual cases. Everything is completely based on the perspective of the resident and in their own language.